среда, 23 марта 2022 г.

   7 клас від 23 березня 2022 р (Середа).

Hello to everyone! Today we are doing home reading on p.132-133 (textbook)

Ex. 1 read and  listen to the text (аудіофайл з читанням тексту є в групі в вайбері)

Ex. Read and translate phrases from the text into Ukrainian, copy in the copybook: 

  a football coach-

took part in races-

awlays won-

excellent sportsmen-

They hardly gave him trouble-

shook head-

It;s impossible-

Ex. translate into English:

  тренирував їх дуже добре -

регулярні тренирування -

погане знання шкільних предметів-

п ять раз по сім

не знає математики зовсім-

Впр на питання з Ex. 3 p.1,3,4,6

 Ex. 2 письм у зошит закінчити речення  - це й буде  письмовий переказ тексту

вторник, 22 марта 2022 г.

 9 клас від   23 березня  2022 р ( Середа)

Hello to  everyone.We continue learning the topic "Environmental Protection"

Тема сьогодняшнього уроку Endangered animals of Ukraine

1)Look  at p.166 Read the information about nature in Ukraine. What animals can be found in Ukraine?
2) read about the wolf and the white stork. Write down answers to these questions:
 1. what kind of animal is the wolf? 
 2.where do the wolves live?
3. what are the main causes that wolves in Ukraine afe dying out??
   4. what symbol is the white stork in Ukrainian and European culture?
   5. Who can help to preserve the number of white storks in Ukraine?

3) Ex. 1 p.167   Find out information about  two other endangered animals of  Ukraine and  write the note about them (about 10 words)
 Also take into consideration questions 1,2,6 in Ex 1 p.167
watch the video about saved animals and pets


воскресенье, 20 марта 2022 г.

  7 клас від 21 березня 2022 р (Понеділок).

Hello to everyone! Today we must finish  working on  the video that we watched the previous lesson,

Watch the video and answer the questions  to what you saw in the video.


Watch the video carefully, repeat the phrases after the characters, listen again until you understand the video completely.

Answer the questions, write the answers in your copybook:

1) What is the name of the girl in  the  video and how old is she?

2) why did she come to see the doctor?

3)Whats should Kate do to see a doctor? 

4)How do we call  the room where a patient can come and make an appointment? 

5) what is the number of her token?

6)What does the doctor do to help Kate to get better?

7) How many tablets and how often should she take to get better?

8) where should she go to get the medicine that the doctor prescribed her?

 Send  the written answers via Viber tothe telegramme channel

 9 клас від   21 березня  2022 р (Понеділок)

Hello to  everyone.We continue learning the topic "Environmental Protection"

Тема сьогодняшнього уроку Animals in danger

You should find the file in your group chat.

 Read about the animals, big white shark, cheetah and giraffe.

watch videos about them, 

answer the questions in the written form about one of the  animals in the file. 

Then watch some more videos about other three animals ,

 write down yourseld the stories about two of them. 

Be ready to retell them in class on Wednesday.

Похожее изображениеThe Biology Lesson

Task 1

a) Read  and retell the text:     The Great  White Shark

This is a great white shark. It is one of the biggest fish on earth.

 Great white sharks  live in the ocean.They like to swim in the cool water. Great white sharks can be very dangerous. But they don't usually attack people. Instead people often hunt them.

They eat lots of fish. They also eat sea lions, dolphins and turtles. They are amazing hunters.They can smell their prey from far away.

Great white sharks are very fast! Their tails are long and powerful. They help the sharks shoot through the water. Their teeth are very sharp. They have three hundred of teeth!

b) watch the video about the shark:


c)  Questions:

1.What kind of fish are great white sharks?

2.Where do sharks live?

3. Are great white sharks dangerous?

4. What do they eat?

5.Do they have to hunt for food?

6. Do the great white sharks have teeth and are their teeth sharp?

7. Do these sharks swim fast?

Похожее изображение                                  Task 2 a)   Read  and retell the text:

The Cheetah

This is a cheetah. Cheetahs are a type of large cat. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth. They live in Africa. They live in open grasslands called savannas. Cheetahs are covered with black dots. The dots help cheetahs hide in the grass. Cheetahs mostly eat small animals like hares. But they also eat big animals like antelopes!

Their legs are very powerful. They are also thin, with small heads.

            Cheetahs  run very fast but they only run for about a minute. Then they need to rest.

Картинки по запросу giraffe clipart            Cheetahs can see very far. They spot their prey and sneak closer. Once they are close enough, they run – fast !

b) watch the video about the cheetah:



1. Why are cheetahs so special?

2. What do  cheetahs look like?

3.What do  cheetahs eat?

4. How do  cheetahs run so fast?

5. Do cheetahs always catch their prey?

6. How do cheetahs hunt?


Task 3 a)   Read  and retell the text:

The giraffe

These are giraffes. They are the tallest land mammals on earth. They live only in Africa. They like grasslands and forests.

They can run really fast. And they look for food all day long. Their long legs help them roam the grasslands. They look for food in very tall trees. They reach food with their long necks.

They eat  leaves and buds. Their favourite leaves have a lot of water. So they don't have to drink often.

All giraffes have coats with spots. But their coats have different patterns.  That makes every giraffe look different.

They usually sleep standing up. They take just a short nap each day.

b) watch the video about the giraffe:



1. Why are giraffes  so special?

2. Where do giraffes live?

3. Why do  giraffes have so long legs?

4. Why do they have so long necks?

5. What do they eat and what do they drink?

6. Do all giraffes look alike?

7. How do they sleep?


Task 4   Watch some other videos about the animals, choose two animals, write down the texts about these  animals, write if they are in danger and why? What should people do to save these animals.

Parrot :   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5kUbYXAfZ0

Mountain gorilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFJe5mGOcAY&list=TLPQMjEwMzIwMjJv3kzFPRPkFw&index=3

Rhinos  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_IbnDZ4F6A

пятница, 18 марта 2022 г.

 9 клас від   18 березня  2022 р (П ятниця)

вітаю всіх 9ти класників


 Ex. 1 p.159 Read the quotes (цитати), translate them orally (усно) write down what they mean.

Ex. 2a) p.159 Read about the extinct (тварини, що вимерли) and endangered animals (вимираючі тварини)

Give three examples of extinct animals and five examples of endangered animals,

Ex. 2b) p.160 read the words in columns and then make up sentences.

what were the new words for you?

If you come across (наткнулись) some new words, then write them down and translate into your language.

Ex. 3 p.160 Write down the list of  endangered animals in  order you would like to save them. Number 1 is the most important animal to be saved

воскресенье, 13 марта 2022 г.

  9 клас від   14 березня  2022 р (Понеділок)

Hello to  everyone.We continue learning the topic "Environmental Protection"

Тема сьогодняшнього уроку Conditional sentences (Умовні речення) Тип 1 (Type 1)

1) Роз'яснення (записати в зошит)

особливий вид складнопідрядних речень, коли в підрядній частині виражається певна умова, а в головному – наслідки такої умови. Такі речення часто називаються if-sentences (речення зі сполучником if).


If we don’t kill animals,              we’ll give them a chance to survive

(підрядне речення)                            ( головне речення)

в Present  Simple                                   в Future Simple


Якщо ми не будемо вбивати звірів, ми надамо їм шанс вижити.

Look at  p. 157 Read the rule and the example.

Прочитайте правило англійською. 

2)  Ex. 1 p.157 Поєднайте частини речень та запишіть у зошит. Дайте письмовий переклад.

3) Пригадайте діалог між Lovo та Dora зі ст. 156 . 

Ex. 2 p.158 Дайте відповіді на питання  у формі умовних речень.

E.g. 1. If Dora turns off the tap while brushing her teeth , she will safe water resources on the Earth.

Заисати, відповіді, прислати на Вайбер або телеграм фото та усне читання Ex. 1 p.157 та Ex.2 p.158

7 клас від 14  березня 2022 р (Понеділок).

Hello to everyone! Today we are again working on topic "Doctor ! Doctor!" ( " Health and  Diseases")

Read the text and do exercises to it.

Read the text and do the exercises:How To Have A Healthy Heart, Avoid Heart Diseases, Health Tips

Ex. 1 Read and translate the text:

                        The Heart

The heart always beats and never stops until a man dies. It pumps the blood through blood vessels to all parts of the body. The blood brings food and oxygen.

Physical exercises, sport and physical work make the heart healthy. But sometimes the heart hurts. The main reasons for that is the lack of physical exercises, overeating, smoking and drinking  hard drinks.

Alcohol poisons the heart muscle and destroys the walls of the blood vessels. As a result, the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and becomes weak.

Those people, who smoke, bring a great harm to their health, too. After each cigarette the blood vessels become narrow and this makes  the work of the heart very difficult - the heart grows weak and old.


Ex.2   Answer the questions to the text:

1.     What does the blood bring to all parts of the body?


2.    What makes the heart healthy?


3.    What are the main reasons why the heart hurts?


4.    Why is smoking   harmful to the health?



Ex.3 Complete the sentences  according  to  the  text:

1. The heart function is …..…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. What does good to the heart  is ……………………..…………………………………….


3. What does harm to the heart  is……………………………………………………….......


4. The harm of alcohol   is ……………………………………………………………………….


6. What I should do to keep my heart healthy  is…………………………………………


Your Heart: How to Keep It Healthy. How to Keep a Healthy Heart 1. Maintain  a healthy weight 2. Eat well 3. Be active 4. Manage blood pressure 5.  Control. - ppt download

Ex.4 Retell the text “The Heart”

вторник, 15 февраля 2022 г.

  9 клас від 16  лютого  2022 р (Середа)

Добрий день усім сьогодні ми  починаємл нову тему : Довкілля. Проблеми довкілля.

We start a new topic "Environment".

There are alot of problems our planet is facing today.They are  

 a climate change

 energy crisis


endangered species


 air pollution

land population and so on.

Ex. 1 p.146  Choose the correct word  to complete the sentence. Translate the sentences orally (Усніть переклад цих речень)

Ex. 2 Match the sentences  in this exercise with  sentences from Ex. 1.  Write them down in pairs. 

Ex. 3 p. 147 Match the environmental problems with the pictures.

Ex. 4 p.147-149  Read the text  about the environmental problems. Give the heading to  each text - the problem

 E.g. Text 1  The problem- overpopulattion.

New words: ...........................



Write down at least three new words from each text into your copybook. Underline three most  important sentences to retell the texts, Learn these extracts from the texts. 

H/w: 1) Ex. 1-2 (письм) p.146

         2) Ex. 4  p.146-147 Прочитати тексти , виписати по 4 нових слова, дати переклад, підкреслити три найважливіших речення, вивичити їх напам ять . Я буду запитувати переказ одного з текстів

воскресенье, 13 февраля 2022 г.

 9 клас від   14  лютого  2022 р (Понеділок)

Hello to  everyone. I hope your weekend was great. So  we are having one more week of school lockdown. 

Today is the last lesson of the topic "Inverntors and Inventions"

Look at the biographies. Read them  and learn them for spoken exam (вивчить ці три біографіх на усний залік по темі.) Be ready to  retell one of them to the teacher when you come back to school.

1) Alexander Graham Bell  p.139

Alexander Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. When his family went to America, he was given a teaching position with deaf 1 people and he became interested in speech. His work was fi nanced by the father of one of his pupils. The story goes that Bell invented the telephone by accident. At that time he was experimenting with the telegraph. He spilled some acid 2 and called his assistant. “Come here, Mr Watson, I want to see you.” Watson was in the other room and he heard Bell through apparatus 3 . The fi rst telephone exchange which connected 21 people happened in 1878. The fi rst communication satellite was launched in 1962

2) Borys Yevhenovych Paton

was born on November 27, 1918- died  August 19,  2020, he was the long-term chairman of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


He was born in Kiev in the family of the scientist and founder of Paton Institute of Electric Welding, Professor Evgeny Oscarovich Paton. His mother was a housewife. In 1941, he completed Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and became an engineer. Paton joined the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on November 18, 1958. He holds a doctoral degree in technical sciences and is known for his works in electric welding. Paton's father, Evgeny Paton, was also famous for his works in electric welding. The first welded bridge in Kiev, constructed under the supervision of Evgeny Paton, bears his name. In the early 1970s and 1980s Paton had advised the Soviet authorities not to build the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Boris Paton was awarded by numerous awards and honours. Among them there are:

Hero of Ukraine (26 November 1998) - for dedicated service to science, outstanding achievements in the field of welding and special electrometallurgy.

3) Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov

He was a  Soviet and Ukrainian doctor of Russian origin, heart surgeon, inventor, best-selling author, Doctor of Science, Professor and  known for his inventions of several surgical procedures for treating heart defects.

Born on December 6, 1913, Olkhovo, Russian Empire , died on  December 12, 2002, Kiev, Ukraine.

Nikolai part in World War II. After the war he moved to Kiev and in 1965 wrote The Thoughts and the Heart, selling millions of copies. 

In 2008 Amosov was placed second in "our greatest compatriots" polls by the viewers of the TV show The Greatest Ukrainians.

Amosov has made a lot of new developments in the problem in surgery for diseases of the lungs and  the heart. Amosov is also widely known as a writer.

четверг, 10 февраля 2022 г.

 9 клас від 11 лютого 2022 (п ятниця)

 Ваше завдання на понеділок - зробити вправи в робочому зошиті на ст. 50 -51

  закачати підручник  або подивитися вправи можна за посиланням:


вторник, 8 февраля 2022 г.

 9 клас від   9  лютого  2022 р (Середа)

Hello to  everyone. I hope  you coped with your project that was given to you as the task  the previous lesson

 Today you should listen and read the text about one of the most genius people in history  - albert Einstein.

1) listen to the audio and read the text on p.175-177 in your textbook.


2) write down at least 10 new words from the text and  their translation. Memorize them.

3) Write down the headlines that are given before the text but write them down  to the order of the paragraphs of the text:

1. An "Einstein"


4) Give the written translation of the title of the text

5) Give the written answers to the questions in Ex,2  p.177 after the text

6)Ex. 4 p.177 Write down the equivalents from the text.

7) Ex. 5 p.177 write down your own questions to the statements.

8) Listen to the text again.  Listen as much as you can until you understand every word and sentence

воскресенье, 6 февраля 2022 г.

 7 клас від 7 лютого 2022 р (Понеділок).

Hello to everyone! Today we are working on topic "Doctor ! Doctor!" ( " Health and  Diseases")

1. Повторіть всі нові слова за темою, що ви  вивчили минулого уроку.

2) to do Ex.2  p.110. Перепишіть текст у зошит вставивши дієслова в минулому часі 

Повторіть форми дієслів в Past Simple:

 feel- felt - почував себе

 give -gave - дав

cut-cut - порізав

help helped - допоміг

break broke - зламав

 catch- caught - підхопив

3) Виконайте Ex.1 a) b)  p. 111

1) прочитайте питання 

2) поєднайте їх з текстами нижче

3) дайте відповіді на питання (1- 2 речення) письмово, у зошиті

Відповіді висилати на Вайбер

 9 клас від   7  лютого  2022 р (Понеділок)

Hello to  everyone. I hope your weekend was great. So  we are having one more week of school lockdown. 

Today you have you make a project " Inventions that changed the world"

You can see some examples in the presentation. 

Read the slides carefully

Do the same thing about the two (to your mind)most important inventions for people .write them down in English but send to me in printed way ( в печатному вигляді) .We all will read them when  we  come back to lessons.

The link to see the presentation


The timer –glukometer for people with diabetis A scientist from Zakarpattiya Petro Bobovich  made a first wrist watch that let the owner know his /her lever of sugar whenever he wanted.

Compact disk (CD) Just few of you know that the first version was CD was made by a Kyiv Cybernetic Institute student Viacheslav Petrov. Later it was used by foreign scientist.

!!!You should mention who when  and how made his/her invention and why this invention is so important fot people
Send  me  your answers.

пятница, 4 февраля 2022 г.

четверг, 3 февраля 2022 г.

 4 клас від 4 лютого  2022 р (П ятниця)

Вітаю всіх учнів. Сьогодні ми з вами виконуємо діагностичну роботу з теми

"Healthy people are happy people"


Grade 4                                                                                                              Term II                                                       

                  Diagnostic test  on Topic “Healthy  people are happy people” (Unit 5)

Task 1.Read and match. /Прочитай і підбери.

helps sick people                                         helps if you have problems with eyes

needs help from a doctor                             helps you when you have a toothache


1) An optician  ……………………………………………………………………… 

2) A dentist ………………………………………………………………….. 

3) A sick person………………………………………………………………. 

4) A doctor…………………………………………………………………….       - 

score:  /4

Task 2 Write P(patient) or D(doctor). /   Напиши Р(пацієнт) або D(лікар). 

1. Open your mouth.                          ____

2. I have got   a headache.                ___

3. What`s the matter with you?        ___

4. Drink warm tea and lemon           ___

5. I have got  a sore throat .               ____

6. Brush your teeth twice a day.  _____

                                                                                                            score:   /6

   Task 3.Read and match./Прочитай і підбери. 

If I have got…….

1) A headache……                              a. I drink pills.

2) A stomach ache …...                        b. I go to sleep.

3) A sore throat…….                            c. I go to the dentist.   .

4) A toothache…….                             d. I don`t drink or eat.

5) A cold……                                        e. I drink warm tea with honey.

6)   a fever …..                                         f. I stay in bed.

                                                 Score:  / 6 

Task 4.   Write  “Yes / No. “    Напиши так / ні. 

  1.You should eat healthy food………

        2. You should do morning exercises………

        3. You should eat a lot of sweets………

        4. You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables…….

        5. You should brush your teeth once a day…….

        6. You should do sport……..

        7. You should drink cold cola.

        8. You should  eat dirty fruit.

Score :     /8

  Task 5.Write translation. / Напиши переклад . 

a) I should take pills……………………………………………………………….…….

          I should brush my teeth every day…………………………………………………….

          I  have got  a cold……………………………………………………….……………..

          I shouldn’t eat dirty vegetables……………………………………….………………


b)  В мене болить голова…………………………………………………………………

      В мене кашель……………………………………………………..…………………

      Я погано себе почуваю……………………………………………………………….

                                                                                                         Score    /7 

                                                                                                        Total     /31



Оціни свої досягнення та постав позначку: 

_ Мені було дуже легко

_ Мені потрібна була допомога  вчителя

_  Мені було дуже важко

Коментар вчителя:

_ Має значні успіхи

_  Демонструє значний прогрес

_  Досягає результату за допомогою вчителя

_  Ще потребує уваги та допомоги

 9 клас від   4  лютого  2022 р (П ятниця).

Добрий день усім! Письмове домашнє завдання на понеділок 7 лютого.

Підготовка до усного заліку з теми "Винаходи та винахідникик"

1) повторити біографію Alexander Graham Bell  ст. 139 (на усний залік наступного тижня)

2) зробити лексико-граматичний тест 1 з теми 

9 grade  Term II                                                                                      Unit 3 Lesson

Test paper 1 on Topic « Inventors and their inventions »


Task 1Find the odd word in the line: (викресліть зайве за змістом слово)

1) invent, discover,  open,  explore

2) scientist, inventor, designer, pilot

3) famous, new, well-known, old


Task 2Choose the correct answer.  (Виберіть  правильне  слово)

1) When I grow up I want to be an ____________ and make a time machine to visit the future.

a) inventive   b) scientist     c) invention  d) invent

2) Marie Curie was a __________  famous for  her work with radioactivity.

a) scientist   b) scientific  c) science d) scientologist

3) What does IT stand for?

a) Interesting Teacher  b) Intellectual Technology  c) Information Technology

4) Christopher Columbus_________ America by accident.

a) invented   b) find out  c) found out  d ) discovered


Task 3Make up sentences in the Past Simple Passive

(Побудуйте   речення в Passive Voice):

1) The James Bond stories                       locate            Ian Fleming      

2) The Channel  Tunnel                           build              Celine Dion

3) The Pyramids                                       write              Bell (1876)

4) The Empire State Building                  complete        1994

5) The song “ My Heart Will Go On”      invent             the Egyptians

6) The telephone                                       sing                New York


2) ______________________________________________________






Task 4Fill in the gaps with  who, which or whose

1) The teddy bear takes its name from the American President Theodore Roosevelt, ____ shortened name was Teddy.

2)  Alfred Nobel, the man ____ invented dynamite, was born in Sweden.

3)  John Spilsburg, ______ created the first jigsaw puzzle, was also a map- maker.

4)The modern yo-yo is a toy ______  appeared in the Philippines in the 16th century.

5) A doll, ____ archaeologists found in an ancient Egyptian tomb, is the world’s oldest known toy.

вторник, 1 февраля 2022 г.

 3 клас  від 2 лютого 2022 (середа)

письмове завдання

Task 1 p.88

 (The textbook)

1)   Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання. Початок відповідей вам надаю:

2)    !!! Обов ‘язково  пограйте з батьками в діалог: вони читають питання вправи, ви читайте відповіді

3)   Відповідайте на відповіді напам ять, дивлячись тільки на малюнки:

1.In my living room there are a s………………., a coffee table, a TV set and armc….

2.This is a f………………………………………….

3.It’s a  c……………………………………………

4. The cake is in the …………………………

5.The vas is on the …………………………..

6.It’s a ……………………………………………..

7.The picture is on the …………………….

8. I use a k……………………………………….

9. I sit in the a………………………………….

10.The shelf is on the l…………………….

11.It’s a m………………………………………..

12.In my bedroom there are a b……, a d…………. and a w………………………….

13.The cooker is in the r……………………..

14. We put cups and plates in the c…………………………

15.In the kitchen there are  a c……………, a f………….. and chairs.

16.The desk is in f………… of the window.

17.It’s a b……………………………………..

18.The coffee table is in f………………….. of the sofa.

посидання на телеграм канал:


  9 клас від 2  лютого  2022 р (Серела).

Добрий день усім! Письмове домашнє завдання на пятницю 4 лютого.

1) Put True or False to the sentences on p.142 after listening to the track about three scientist of different times:

https://t.me/School5grade9  (посилання на аудіо)

2)Extra written tasks for the topic  ”Scientists and discoveries”:

 Do them in your copybooks

Task 1 Form nouns from the following verbs.

To develop — development

To discover —

To live —

To believe —

 To recycle —

To train —

 To invent —

 To pollute —

 To create —


Task 2  Unscramble the words.

1) sarcreeh — research

2) ngeaged —

3) vlveoin —

4) istignveeat —

5) noompheenn —


Task 3  Complete the sentences using the words from part A.

1) Glaciers are unique and interesting natural phenomena .

 2) Some students of our class are________________ in community affairs.

3) Mark continues to______________ himself in charity.

4) His _____________________in psychology was included into the textbook for medical students.

5) Future studies will ___________________whether a long-term use of medicine can prevent cancer.


Task 4 Read and choose the correct variant.

1) Do you think that life on Mars really…?

A exists

B launches

C has

 D discovers

2) Give me a good … and I’ll agree with your opinion.

A description

 B reason

C science

D experiment

3) Alfred Nobel … dynamite.

A invented

 B invention

C invitation

D invited

4) Do you know who … penicillin?

A opened

 B invented

C created

D discovered

 5) When I grow up, I’ll become a famous… .

A science

B launcher

C inventor

D device

6) Only a century ago people believed that space travel was… .

A possible

B impossible

C unpossible

D inpossible

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