вторник, 21 апреля 2020 г.

Від 22 квітня (Середа)     7 клас
Завдання 1 ст. 156 (в підручнику)
 Прочитати про будівлю Паламенту в Лондоні ще раз.

Завдання 2 Написати контрольну роботу по читанню на тему 
"Places in London"
                          Test on the topic                                     
“London. The Houses of Parliament”
1.     Put the words in the gaps of the text.
(Вставити дієслова в пропуски)

century        includes      a clock       the Thames     Parliament

                                   THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT IN LONDON
           (Будівля Парламенту в Лондоні)

The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British _______________, a great mass of building on the east bank of ________________  in London. It  was built  in the 19th____________ after plans by Sir Charles Barry. The Houses of Parliament   ____________  three massive towers: Victoria Tower, Middle Tower and Saint Stephen or the Clock Tower which contains  ____________ and a great bell, Big Ben, weighing 13,5 tons. There  are   also the  Houses of Peers, the Houses of Commons, the residence of the Speaker, the libraries and the offices. In the World War II the building  was   bombed  heavily and was seriously  damaged.

1. ______________________
4. ______________________
Write the phrases in bold and translate them.
(Випишіть з тексту фрази жирним шрифтом та дайте їм переклад)
1. on the east bank________________________________________________
2. contains _______________________________________________________
3.a great bell_____________________________________________________
4.  was   bombed__________________________________________________
5.was seriously  damaged _________________________________________

3.    Decide if these statements are true or false.
(Напишіть, чи правильне це ствердження чи ні)
1)    The Houses of Parliament consist of one building.                             ____
2)    The Houses of Parliament are situated on the bank of the river.         ____
3)    Big Ben is the name of the tower.                                                        ____
4)    Big Ben weighs more than fourteen                                                     ____
5)     The Houses of Parliament were seriously damaged during World War II.        ____

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