Від 23 квітня (четвер ) 5 клас Підсумкова контрольна робота
Пишемо: Thursday the 23rd of April
The Test on the topic: “Discover the UK”
Контрольна робота на тему:
для себе Велику Британію»
(cт. 194-209)
1. Read and put the suitable word
(Прочитайте та вставьте потрібне слово):
Ireland, Wales, Kingdom, Ben Nevis , Scotland
The United _________ of Great Britain and Northern
__________ is situated in Europe.
There are 4 countries in the UK – England, _________,
________ and Northern Ireland.
The highest mountain in Britain is ____________, and
it is in Scotland.
2. Complete the sentences (one word is extra) Закінчити речення (одне слово зайве):
mountain b) strange c) capital
d) pounds
e) flag f) traditions g) stands
1.The ________________________
of the UK is London.
2.It ___________________________on the Thames River.
3.The ____________ of the UK is made up of three
4.The highest _________________ of the UK is Ben Nevis.
5.British money is called __________________________ .
6.People of Great Britain keep their __________________.
3.Look at these
sentences. Make this sentence into Present Perfect.
Open the brackets and make negative and interrogative
forms of the sentences. (Відкрийте дужки та
запишіть речення в заперечній та питальній формі):
Taras is from Kyiv. He
is in London now. He __________ already ________ (visit) St. Paul’s Cathedral, the main church in
London. -
+ Taras is from Kyiv. He is in London now.
He has already
visited St. Paul’s Cathedral, the main church in
He hasn’t visited St. Paul’s Cathedral
? Has he already visited St. Paul’s Cathedral?
Перепишіть ці речення та дайте переклад на українську
А тепер ви виконайте завдання:
1. + Chris is British but he ______ already _______(be) to Kyiv three times.
? __________________________________________________________
+ We are in London near the Houses of Parliament and
+ We are in London near the Houses of Parliament and
we ________
just_________________ (buy) some souvenirs.
? __________________________________________________________
3. +Bob feels nice at the moment. He ______ already ________
(do) morning exercises today.
? __________________________________________________________
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